Saturday, December 24, 2011

See You Later, Korea

I started with a simple question, "If you were retired, what would you be doing?" "I would be drawing portraits on the street." I didn't need to be retired to do it. I started on a cold Friday night in March in Hongdae. I drew my last portrait in Hongdae this Saturday afternoon for a model who was shivering on my stool. I've drawn with enthusiasm, with coffee or soju and I had a great time. Seoul provided minimal police interference and an interested audience to help me develop a routine and a pace for both making and studying art that I hope to keep for as long as I can hold a pencil (and maybe for a little longer after that). 

Koreans, travelers and expats, thanks for approaching my "free portrait" sign with excitement.  You've watched me draw, sat as my models and curiously took pictures as I drew as a gypsy on your streets.  It has been more educational than any class at art school.

 I love you Korea. I'll be back again someday, whether it's to earn some money teaching your kids or to eat some of your delicious food.  Thank you for making alcohol so cheap.

<3 SojuKing

I'll continue the free portraits as I travel through India in the next few months. I'm excited to see how a "free portrait" sign is received in Hindi.